Thursday, December 26, 2013

A selfless world by Amma!

157. Om raga-mathanayai namah: I bow down to Amma who destroys desires (passions)

We live our worldly existence enmeshed in desires that lead us up the path of disappointments. All we keep doing is wanting either material things or we desire the impossible. Each desire creates a air bubble of selfishness around us. We basically set ourselves up for a life of wants.

Christmas is the celebration of the life of Christ and of the selflessness He stood for. On the day of christmas, we should possibly re-look at our lives and our list for Santa! Being under the umbrella of Amma, we need to re-write that list. Less desires for ourselves and more that include the world. Just as Amma teaches us to. Just as Amma would want us to.
1. We want everyone in the world to be happy. There is no ceiling on happiness. We create it as we go along. And the more we include others in this, the bigger the aura of happiness will get.
2. We want no one to be without food. How sad is that? Imagine the pangs of hunger hitting us and not a morsel to eat in front of us. Or worse still, having to worry about how to feed our children. Or worrying about where the next meal will come from. It is unfair to ever have to worry about something like that. And may no one ever have to go through this. Ever.
3. We want everyone to live without fear. The only way out of this horrible maze of fear is to totally, unconditionally surrender to Amma. If I can't be sure if I will be able to even take my next step, how can I possibly worry about tomorrow?? Is it even up to me? Then isn't it just better to leave that next step, that tomorrow to Amma? Because She knows and She cares. And thus She will make it alright.
4. May we all have the opportunity to be under the umbrella of Amma's grace. ALWAYS. It's the only place to be. There are times when the desire to see Amma is so overwhelming. Like now.

Thank you Amma for taking away our worldly desires which only result in pain. Let us learn to look beyond ourselves and do the best we can for the world around us.

Om Amriteswariye namah! 

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