Saturday, January 4, 2014

Towards a sinless life!

167. Om papa-nasinyai namah: I bow down to Amma who destroys all the sins of Her devotees

We live our life wrapped in many sins. Anger, jealousy, ego, hatred. It doesn’t take much to speak a bad word. Or hurt someone intentionally. Or even hold on to anger and hate. All the while ego keeps doing it’s destructive dance in our lives. If someone has hurt us, our ego and our mind won’t let us forget it. It’ll prompt us to hate. And edge us towards anger. And cloak us lovingly in fear. What we fail to understand, or rather, are blind to, is the fact that anything that prevents us from keeping a clean heart free of even one negative blip, is a sin. Because our heart is the abode of Amma. Keeping even one negative thought in it is equivalent to sullying the seat of Amma. And that is a sin.

Amma destroys all the sins of Her devotees. She knows that these sins are what create bad karma in our lives. This is what leads to even more unhappiness in our lives. A vicious cycle sets in of every possible negativity. Whether it’s something as innocuous as doubt to larger blots like hatred, each thought takes us a step away from Amma. If we TRULY believe in Her, why would we ever seat anything else in our hearts except love for Amma? How truly beautiful that life will be wherein we surround ourselves only with love for Amma. Nothing that can smear the purity of our hearts. No other thought except the overwhelming one of Amma.

You are the only rope that tethers us to sanity in a world of insane crossroads. You are the rope that tethers us to our true nature. You are the rope that allows us to explore, to fly, to find our true self. You are the one who keeps us sinless. Who destroys everything negative in our world. You work subtly and yet Your sankalpa is so strong, it redefines karma. You are everything to us. Thank You Amma for helping us keep ourselves clean and pure. Yes we are burdened by the many facets of a worldly life. But a sin free life is really the only life we should lead. 

Om Amriteswariye namah!

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