Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My Radiant Amma!

9. Om krodha karankus ojvalayai namah: I bow down to Amma who shines, bearing the goad of anger

Amma who shines. There is undoubtedly an aura about Her. It's an aura that has been generated from all the love She holds. If you hold a love that can reach out to millions across boundaries and borders, it has to shine forth. If you hold compassion that washes away sadness from a million hearts, it has to shine forth. And if you hold divinity that can cloak a devotee in absolute grace, it has to shine forth. Amma, You radiate beauty and love, compassion and bliss. There has to be a reason why I cry tears of joy when I see You; why my heart feels empty when I know the wait will be for a year before my next darshan. Why does my heart ache for You so many times? Like today, driving on the ECP and listening to "Mata Rani," why did tears spring into my eyes? Why did I feel the overwhelming, aching need to see you? To be held by you? Why do I pray every night that I may see You in my dreams? Why does longing sit like a dull ache within me? Why does a brother's visit to the ashram fill me with joy and jealousy all at once?

You bear the goad of anger. Is this the anger that You've taken away from all the devotees who have surrendered to you? You once mentioned in a satsang that anger is a double edged sword hurting the person who feels angry and the one towards whom the anger is directed. Every time You hug us, you do more than just envelop us in Your love...You take away all our accumulated sins and vices, including the double edged sword of anger. And it is that You hold in Your lower left arm, the goad of anger.

My darling all embracing Amma, please give me the grace to always remember the multitudinous ways you have channelled grace in my life. Please let me remember that You sit for hours sacrificing worldly comfort ONLY so that we may lead better lives. Give me the eyes to see that whatever You do, is for the world's own good. Give me the ears to hear the whispers of comfort You send my way. Give me the lips to only speak good to others, as You would deem correct. And while on this journey of life, whenever I feel anger towards life or the unfairness of it all, please pull it away from me. For to receive You in this body, I have to be free of all vices. For only then can my heart become a temple to seat The One who Shines Forth!

Om Amriteswariye Namah!

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