Sunday, September 27, 2020

Happy Birthday to my most beloved AMMA!

 916. Om dhīrayai namah: I bow down to Amma who is wise; who gives wisdom


Thank You Amma for letting me be your disciple and for being my Guru. Thank You for all the wonderful twists and turns You have walked me through in my life. Thank You for giving me this wonderful biological and spiritual family. Thank You for making me who I am today. Thank You for showering me with Your grace despite the fact that I have doubted You, been angry at You and many a time lost faith in You. You stood patiently by, as the loving Mother that You are, waiting for me to understand my purpose in life. I'm still searching for it but under Your guidance, I'm closer to finding it. Under Your ever powerful and wise guidance, I have learnt so much about life, expectations and how the true meaning of life can only be found within the folds of our devotion to You! In today's satsang, You said You remember all Your children and we have all been in Your thoughts. You were that gentle breeze that's cooled me down on a hot day. You were the reassuring voice in my head when I was crackling with anxiety. You were the customer who helped spread the word about my business and prevented me from shutting down. You were the one who lent me a listening ear when I was ready to burst into tears. You sent Your angels to help me through good times and bad. I know You are always there, Amma. But sometimes, I forget. Please help me remember this at all times, Amma. And a very, very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the Queen of my universe!